6 Great Dating Ideas – What is the Perfect Place to Date?
Dating is a way to communicate your feelings and emotions to the other person. And for mood-building, it is essential to find a place where two people are most comfortable. So how do you find that perfect place to communicate your feelings or simply to have a good time?
Unofficial Poll – What is the Perfect Place to Date?
We held an unofficial poll on DatingRefinery.com and asked our audience that very question. We asked, “What is the perfect place to date?”
As you can guess, since this question was somewhat open to interpretation, we received many different comments as well as many different suggestions. We parsed out the answers to keep it more simple, and narrowed the question to a venue or activity. And still we saw a very diverse set of ideas across many different venues and activities. Simply stated, there were a lot of varied opinions. The list of Dating Ideas ranged somewhere around the following:
- Going to the movies
- Working out together,
- Going to the beach,
- Reading together,
- Go out dancing,
- Hit up a quiet restaurant,
- Do some sport together,
- Going out to nature – like a mountain hiking trail or a walk in the park,
- Going to see live music (Rock? Country? Metal? R&B? Hip Hop? Rap?).
Many echoed and referenced our own thoughts in the Intro to the Dating Ideas section on the datingrefinery.com site, and being that not all dates are created equal. It could depend upon how you met, where you met and who you are.
Also, as you can guess, we concluded that there is no perfect date or place to date, since people are individuals, and many people are different. People have different interests, typically participate in different sets of activities or cultural events. When two people get together, they hopefully have a common interest. This helps in making a decision where to go and what to do.
If you asked a small group about their dating ideas, some might say a night at the opera, others will say an afternoon boating on a lake, and others will be thrilled to visit that new nightclub. It could depend upon the type of date, the time of the day, or what point of life you are at. It would really depend on the type of people both of you are.
You have to know what were the things that you found in common with each other. You can push the other person out of his or her comfort zone, but this is a risk. They may be immediately onboard, or may be immediately ready to run for the hills. Hopefully they are open to new experiences or are so inclined as long as it is with you.
One reader noted that if you don’t already have a date and you are woman, you may have to be brave to show up to a place on your own, without your ‘wing-lady.’ They said that men, today especially, are not ready or prepared to try to approach you both or to separate the herd if a group of your friends are there. They think between to the two ladies, I might be encroaching on their time together, or between the two of them, one of them may not like me. The feel it is too much pressure today.
So what should you do? Here’s our most popular answers – The 6 Great Dating Ideas:
- A good standard answer for what is the perfect place to date, is a bar or social club tailored to one or both of you and your date’s specific interests. This may be singles bars or gay bars, if that your proclivity, that are all specifically designed to put you in areas with people who share a common interest.
- Really it may be a specific event like a street festival with live music, or museum where you can see different things. The important part is that there is some movement involved, not just sitting staring at each other. Even if you don’t have a lot to say to one another, the scenery is constantly changing. Commenting on this alone may keep you both entertained.
- Some say that you should merely hang out with your friends! If you’re already among your friends, then you’ll be able to have a really good time AND meet new people or share in the entertainment.
Go together to groups like D&D, video game tournaments, card games, concerts, or conventions, but be willing to slip away from friends and see who else is there if you went by yourself.
If you did go as a date, you still need to find those moments to separate from the crowd. You need some personal time with your date. These type of events, again take some of the pressure off you individually to connect totally and exclusively. It gives you the opportunity to build things more slowly as well.
- Smartest of all might just be, to consider an activity or function that expands your interests or something unfamiliar to you and your date. It is very possible to relate to one another by doing those things that you don’t normally do, and going to a place that you don’t normally go. Experiencing it for the first time with someone is a great bonding exercise.
- One of our users said this: It’s very simple. The first date should be a place where both can feel comfortable. It should be well lit, decently populated, relatively inexpensive, and not too noisy. Simply a place with refreshments.
- Others said, just leave your house-
Let’s be honest, there’s just as many single people at fun gatherings designed for sharing common interests and passions as there are anywhere! Probably more so, since married people tend to have other responsibilities that restrict their ability to travel or stop working to go to conventions and such things. It’s a win / win situation if you are already enjoying yourself, and you are meeting others at the same time!
We think it is a great idea, just to get out there and try to connect. It shouldn’t matter too much what you do as long as you do it together.
Dating Refinery’s Blogs, Articles and Diaries are meant to reflect an individual’s experience and do not necessarily reflect Dating Refinery’s point of view. Dating Refinery in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behavior.
We hope you enjoyed this episode!
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