I thought I was in Love
By Mr. Romantic
Let’s call her Iris. We met via mutual friends, but by happenstance. I found out later that we were not fixed up by Tim and Rana since our friends didn’t see us as being compatible. As I think back, had I known this, I might have asked more questions, but I don’t think this would have dissuaded me from perusing Iris. After all, I thought I was in Love.
We met at an intermural softball league after party on a Thursday evening. As a group, we were continuing to tailgate after our near loss to her team, which I felt we should have easily beaten. I think the competitor in me was so active when I was younger, which is probably foreshadowing of how I got myself into this mess. Iris was young, smart, tall and athletic with short shoulder length hair, pleasant features and a nice figure.
She carried herself with distinction with a sultry attitude and way of conversing. She had to rub it in that her team had prevailed, and I loved it, meeting my competitive energy. Many described her as a charming, enthusiastic leader at her firm, but I would mainly describe her as driven.
Since we hit it off, but hadn’t declared anything to each other, we both found ourselves finding reasons for strengthening our individual friendships with Tim and Rana, maybe consciously or unconsciously. I now probably realize that it was a bit of gamesmanship and that she was good at a subtle version of pursuit, and being visible and leaving at the right time.
The next week, I had seen her from across the room at a local sports bar where I met up with my buddy Tim, just as she was leaving. I went there in order to watch the playoffs and was distracted after seeing her walk out. After this went on a few more times- sometimes she was with someone but not always, but this time she was alone so I chased her out the door. She hooked me by this and played to my competitive nature with this game of pursuit.
The Relationship Manipulation
I managed to lock up our connection and we started to date regularly. Before long, I thought I was in love.
I later realized that she was just really insightful into human nature, the nature of men, and the art of seduction.
She easily played to my animalistic instincts as well as my intellectual side. I didn’t see myself as easily manipulated, but in hindsight I didn’t stand a chance in this competition.
She knew what she wanted and had a way of getting it, and making me feel like it was my idea. We went out for about two years and we got closer and closer. I wanted to marry her.
I first asked her to move in with me, and later realized how artfully she planted that idea into my head. She discussed it as a trial run. So we lived together for the next year.
Life was fun, sex was great and adventurous and we really started to establish what I felt was a potential lifelong bond. She convinced me that selling the one-bedroom condo I owned in the middle of downtown was a great idea, and buying the big house I could hardly afford was a good investment for our future family.
That year, her firm had landed a big case, a murder trial, and as an Associate I watched her skillfully work the jury, showing them how they should thing about details leading up to their clients arrest, his troubled childhood. She told them how they should feel about this tragic accident and how distraught her client was. The jury ate it up and the client, although obviously guilty to the by-stander, had received a very light sentence. It was starting to click, just how good she was.
Knowing I was a pet lover and had grown up with a golden Labrador that I loved, I had always wanted one for my future family. As part of the trial run at home she talked me into getting a poodle, yep really, then a cat, then a pair of turtles name Timmy and Tobey (which Tobey was supposed to be Rana, but I found out through the vet that they were both male), and later a parrot. It became a jungle in the small condo so naturally the big house was also a relief.
What Happened?
When Iris left me at the end of the year for her senior partner at work, she left me with this brood of pets, for which she called the family, and a big house that I couldn’t afford. I didn’t know what to do with this family of sorts that I was left with. The family I never knew that I always wanted, to raise on my own.
I was able to give away the cat thanks to her sister who is still a good friend of mine and very sympathetic to my situation having grown up with Iris, the parrot went to my mom and the turtles to the zoo. Luckily, I was able to sell the house at a small profit, and I kept the dog as Tina, who I now call just T, is man’s best friend after all.
Tim and Rana finally chimed it at this point, and let me know that they had seen Iris do something similar before, seeming to lead her relationships from the rear, yet still getting what she thought she wanted. Maybe just wanting the rush of manipulating another human being. Maybe not being a real person and actually having real feelings.
They thought if they remained silent, maybe I would be the missing ingredient to settle Iris down. As confirmed by her sister, Iris had always manipulated her way through life and was able to bend and twist people to her will. I don’t know if I actually knew the real person after all.
Maybe I should marry her sister? 🙂